Meditation-Despite having everything, instead of a happy life, you find yourself confused and unhappy.don't worry keep meditating.Meditation takes you to the truth of bliss which indian sages and saints meditated for hundreds of years to attain.Which is the true nature of every person.Which doesn't take so much time to achieve. (चैतन्यमात्मा) (शिव सूत्र1)ज्ञानम बंध (शिव सूत्र 2) The purest form of consciousness which is free from all types of knowledge.This is our true form.Pay attention to the meanings of any spiritual book like this at any time and in any situation. You will get closer to your true blissful self.It has correct information about it.because You become what you think and believe.It's very simple. We should do it all the time.